Workshop on traditional tomatoes at Alícia Foundation
On July 24, 2017 a workshop on traditional tomatoes was organized at the facilities of the Alícia Foundation in Sant Fruitós de Bages (Catalonia, Spain). The workshop included presentations of the TRADITOM project, consumer taste activities and show cooking of traditional tomatoes by chefs from the Alícia Foundation. The tomatoes used for the tastings were cultivated in El Perelló (Valencia) and are part of the GOURMETOM collection.
More than 50 people including chefs and farmers of the region participated in the workshop to learn in an entertaining way about the properties and culinary uses of traditional tomatoes, good eating, consumer habits, cooking and traditional tomato heritage.
The Bagés Region, where the meeting was organized, has a wealth of highly appreciated horticultural products, the tomato being the one that excels. A good number of accessions in TRADITOM were collected from this region that is leader in the recovery and valorisation of local varieties. Names like “Esquena Verda” (green shoulders), “del Pare Benet”, “quatre morros”, “Montserrat” or “Pebrot” are tightly linked to the land and the region. This workshop was organised to recognise and add value to the territory in line with the impacts of the TRADITOM project. The objective was to raise awareness for the possibilities that these varieties offer and to promote their use both at home and in the growing fields. The richness in traditional tomato varieties complements the gastronomic range and tourist attractions of the region.
The Alícia Foundation is a research centre with a social vocation, devoted to technological innovation in cuisine, the improvement of eating habits and the evaluation of the food heritage. The associated partner of the TRADITOM project works with renowned chefs and scientists from around the world, related to health, good eating habits and high sensory quality food.