TRADITOM presented at joint kick-off meeting for new EU projects G2P-SOL and TomGEM

Coordinator Prof. Antonio Granell introduces the TRADITOM project to the G2P-SOL and TomGEM consortia
The project coordinators of TomGEM, TRADITOM and G2P-SOL at the joint kick-off meeting (from left to right)

The two new Horizon2020 projects G2P-SOL and TomGEM are the most recently launched European Research and Innovation Actions that further explore the genetic diversity of nightshades.

Both initiatives share significant links with the TRADITOM project and bring together key players in the relevant research fields. This includes several TRADITOM partners who are contributing to the projects’ activities as consortium members and work package leaders. In particular, TRADITOM partner Prof. Giovanni Giuliano (ENEA/ Italy) is the project coordinator of the G2P-SOL multi-actor research initiative funded with almost 6,9 million euros.

The newly launched schemes are great opportunities for interaction and cooperation for genetic resources. They assemble the complementary knowledge of highly experienced and interdisciplinary experts of Solanaceae crops to make the most of recent findings and future research.

To establish synergies, the two new projects held a joint kick-off meeting from May 11-13, 2016 in Valencia/ Spain on the premises of the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). The meeting was hosted by TRADITOM partners Antonio Granell (CSIC) and Jaime Prohens (UPV) who are actively involved in the new projects. The kick-off meeting comprised individual sessions in which each group discussed their specific approaches as well as joint sessions which brought together both consortia.

During the joint kick-off meeting, TRADITOM coordinator Prof. Antonio Granell introduced the G2P-SOL and TomGEM members to the objectives and progress of the TRADITOM project. The presentation highlighted potential links between all three endeavours in order to maximise impact and benefit from each other’s research activities.

Watch TRADITOM partner UPV explaining key facts of the G2P-SOL project (Spanish only).