Factsheet on Genetic Resources and Breeding under H2020
After the publication of the final Horizon 2020 work programme for 2018-2020, the dialogue on how to design future EU policies accelerates. The ongoing EU agricultural research and innovation activities are driven by a long-term strategic approach which was published in July 2016 (read more). To see all thematic activities at a glance, download the factsheet on Genetic Resources and Breeding by... -
TRADITOM exhibits at EXPOCIENCIA in Spain
TRADITOM attracted attention of thousands of visitors at its stand at the EXPOCIENCIA fair in Valencia, Spain on Saturday, 26 May 2018. At its ten year anniversary, the EXPOCIENCIA fair was even more successful and reached a peak number of visitors - mostly children were attended the fair with their parents who were all fascinated by the latest discoveries in science and technologies. The... -
TRADITOM reaches out to the Plant Breeding Community
International EUCARPIA Meeting of the Tomato Working Group held in Naples -
Research and Innovation as a driver of food systems transformation
The Bulgarian Presidency of the European Council is organising the 2nd FOOD 2030 High Level Event. The Flagship Conference will take place from June 14-15, 2018 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. It will be dedicated to research and innovation (R&I) as a driver of food systems transformation, such that our food systems become sustainable, resilient, responsible, diverse and competitive. -
On the final stretch - TRADITOM progress meeting in Taormina, Sicily
TRADITOM 3rd Progress Meeting, 24-25 April, 2018