International Biodiversity Day
Today is the International Day for Biological Diversity. The European Commission invests about €32 mio in projects promoting agro-biodiversity and genetic resources – and TRADITOM is one of those six projects. To learn more about the EU’s engagement see!db78GC or follow the hashtag #EU_AgriResearch. -
TOMAVAL congress explores special qualities of the Valencian tomato
The “Valenciana d’El Perelló” tomato is a traditional variety from the Spanish province of Valencia. It is characterized by having heart-shaped fruits of very good texture and flavour which make it one of the most important and popoular Valencian landraces. While the production of Valenican tomatoes increased rapidly over the last ten years, it also has a series of risks and difficulties that... -
A taste of TRADITOM at the EU Open Day 2017
On May 06 we celebrated Europe day! The European institutions in Brussels opened their doors to the public and welcomed about 12,000 visitors. Interactive and playful stands as well as outdoor activities let everyone experience how European institutions work, what their main priorities are and what is being done for citizens. During the EU Open Day, TRADITOM joined the stand “EU Science around... -
On April 28 the Science and Technology Fair 2017 took place at the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences in Orihuela (Spain). The event was jointly organized by the University Miguel Hernandez Office for Research and Innovation, the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences and the Polytechnic School of Orihuela in collaboration with MUDIC (Interactive and Didactic Science Museum of Vega Baja del... -
Science You Can Taste! TRADITOM Joins EU Open Day 2017
May 6 is Europe Day! EU institutions open their doors to the public, inviting European citizens of all ages to take part in visits, debates, concerts and other events to mark the day and raise awareness about the EU. TRADITOM will be joining the celebrations in Brussels providing a hands-on demo of our research endeavour at the EU OPEN DAY. TRADITOM consortium members will make tomato research...