Training course and GOURMETOM presentation at workshop for farmers in Castellón region
In collaboration with associated partner El3ments, the TRADITOM members CSIC and UPV are organising a workshop on September 15, 2017 at the farm house of El3ments located in Burriana, Spain.
The Training Course and Workshop falls within the dissemination objectives of TRADITOM and has farmers as target audience. Farmers from the Castellón area have been encouraged to participate by our associated partner Hector Molina from El3ments. All participating farmers share the enthusiasm and interest for traditional varieties and are committed to the cultivation, preservation and exploitation of local varieties.
Apart from serving as a platform for the GOURMETOM set of TRADITOM varieties, this workshop offers training activities for farmers that introduce them to the importance of genetic resources including in situ and ex situ germoplasm and sanitization of seeds.
Please click on the poster for details about the programme and venue.