The GOURMETOM set of TRADITOM tomato varieties catches the attention of press, local farmers, chefs and children
The GOURMETOM set was cultivated near La Albufera Natural Parc following traditional practices by Esteve, a farmer recently awarded “Best Collaborative Farmer” at the first meeting of the Tomata Valenciana held recently in El Perelló. The set of GOURMETOM varieties cultivated was used as an exhibition for variation in tomato colors and shapes for the local farmers that visited the field and also to news reporters including the Italian RAI and German Journal Natur. Fruit from El Perelló were also used in the TRADITOM Kids activity “TRADITOM - a Rainbow of Tomatoes” with the participation of more than 250 children aged 7 and 8 years and to provide farmers in the “Association for Ecofarmers of the Ribera” with samples that they will consider for growing next season. In addition, a sample of 35+ varieties was sent to the 3-Michelin star chef Quique Dacosta for tasting and evaluation of the culinary possibilities of GOURMETOM TRADITOM tomatoes.