TOMAVAL congress explores special qualities of the Valencian tomato
The “Valenciana d’El Perelló” tomato is a traditional variety from the Spanish province of Valencia. It is characterized by having heart-shaped fruits of very good texture and flavour which make it one of the most important and popoular Valencian landraces. While the production of Valenican tomatoes increased rapidly over the last ten years, it also has a series of risks and difficulties that usually do not appear with conventional hybrid tomatoes.
For this reason, the TOMAVAL conference assembled top researchers, technicians and farmers who are familiar with this local variety to discuss the main factors limiting the cultivation of the Valencian tomato. The conference was organized as a full day event on May 17, 2017 by the local cooperative “Unión Protectora de El Perelló” (UNIPRO), the foundation “Cajamar” and researchers of the “Universitat Politécnica de Valencia” (UPV).
The local cooperative UNIPRO is associated partner of the TRADITOM research project which takes the efforts to revalue traditional tomato varieties from Valencia to a European level. In this context, local TRADITOM partners Salvador Soler, Maria José Díez and Jaime Prohens of UPV presented their work alongside project coordinator Antonio Granell (CSIC) and Silvana Grandillo (CNR).
During the conference, the important role of farmers in maintaining this traditional variety was particularly acknowledged by awarding the titles “Distinguished Technician” for José Ramón Herrero Sanz and “Distinguished Farmer” for Esteve Martínez Serrano, Esteve Martínez Ballester, Salvador Micó López and Manuel Vázquez Català.
The proceedings of the conference are published in the book “I Congrés de la Tomaca Valenciana: La Tomaca Valenciana del Perelló” containing several contributions from the TRADITOM consortium. The joint knowledge will contribute to the recovery of the tomato “Valenciana" and strengthen the profitability of the local crop.
For more pictures from the event, visit the our media gallery.