Have your say: EIP-AGRI looking for Focus Groups that will make a difference
As part of the EIP-AGRI networking activities, at least five new Focus Groups start their work every year.
EIP-AGRI Focus Groups are temporary groups of 20 selected experts sharing knowledge and experience while focusing on a specific subject.
The groups consist of researchers, farmers and farm advisers who explore innovative practices and identify research needs. Each group meets twice and should draw on the experiences gained in successful related projects, such as TRADITOM. An EIP-AGRI Focus Group can have a great impact on the EIP-AGRI agenda as it produces a recommendations and outcomes report for future research.
23 focus groups have cooperated so far to find best practices, listing problems as well as opportunities in specific fields, e.g. Genetic Resources or Innovative Short Food Supply Chains.
Do you have an idea for an issue or question that should be addressed in a Focus Group?
Do not hesitate and share your thoughts: Suggestions for new Focus Groups can be submitted on the EIP-AGRI website until the end of April 2017.
You can read more about how Focus Groups work and their expected results in the EIP-AGRI Focus Group charter and the Focus Group brochure.